360 S. State St.
Clearfield, UT 84015
Andropause & Low Testosterone: A Drug-Free, Natural Approach
Testosterone is often viewed as the male vitality anti-aging solution. Many doctors promote hormone shots, patches and pellets as a way to boost the libido, build muscle mass, improve memory and concentration, increase energy levels and remain youthful. But at what risk?
Testosterone therapy has been shown to increase your risk of heart disease, contribute to sleep apnea, create acne or other skin irritations, limit sperm production, lead to an enlarged prostate condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia as well as encourage prostate cancer growth.
Taking testosterone will cause a reduction of your own natural testosterone production resulting in needing to take higher and higher levels of testosterone therapy to try to achieve desired results.
There are safer, healthier options. Low testosterone is not the primary problem. The body will distribute resources to the most important areas first, such as the heart, liver, brain, kidneys. Having sex and building large muscles are really secondary functions.
In fact, one of the first signs of poor health in men is a decline in testosterone and sexual function.
There are typically underlying conditions contributing to low testosterone levels. The solution is to identify these areas of weakness for correction and this will allow the body to restore hormones to their optimal levels.